Tuesday 23 December 2014

How to get rid of pimples fast and easy

Pimples are normal skin conditions that affects many if not all persons at one point in time. It is caused by an inflammation in the skin whereby the sebaceous glands also known as the oil glands become infected with bacteria they swell up and are filled with pus. Pimples is not a life threatening condition as we all know but they can damage your appearance and make you feel miserable since they usually occur on the face, neck, shoulder, back and sometimes chest.

Home Remedies for pimples:

1.      Ice, Wrap the ice in a piece  of cloth and place it on the affected area for a few seconds


            Just dip your head in a bowl of ice…. Its works

2.      Garlic, Get a fresh clove of Garlic, cut it into two and rub it on the affected area, allow it for five minutes then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do this at least five times a day

3.      Steam, pour boiling water into a large container, put your head over the container and cover it with a towel for a few seconds and retreat, do not let the hot water come in contact with your skin, just the steam does the work.

4.      Honey, dip a clean cloth or cotton swab in honey and apply directly on the affected area, leave it for 45 minutes then rinse off

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