Monday 15 September 2014



Note: No 10 is the most important

1.      wash your hands with bleach (Ebola is a virus not a bacteria)

Yes bleach on like regular hand sanitizers and soaps they have sodium hypochlorite which is the active ingredient in most house hold bleach and they can kill or disarm viruses unlike soaps that just kill bacteria’s (dilute the bleach with water before use) (please do not drink or bath with bleach)


2.      Do not open public toilet doors with your hands

Research shows that the Ebola virus is active on a open surface for at least 20 minutes, so even if you use acid to wash your hand and you use your bare hands to open a door that was formally touched by an unfortunate carrier of the virus in less than 20 minutes there is a 20% chance of you contacting the virus


3.      No more bush meat or suya.

For now stop the consumption of open meat or suya, you don’t know the condition or the source of the meat. In fact do not eat any food that you don’t know the source. Just to be safe.


4.      Don’t eat fruits with scratches or bite marks on them.

Bats are the major carriers or reservoir of the deadly virus. If  humans consume fruits that have come  in contact with bats or animals that carry the virus there is a strong possibility of the person contacting the virus.


5.      Suspend handshakes for now.

No more shaking hugging or high fiving for now, great with a wave, a salute or a rub on the elbow


6.      Build your immune system.

This is the most important measure if your job involves getting in close contact with people. Your body immunity is your number 1 defence against any viral infection. Eat lots of fruit and maintain a reasonable healthy and constant diet.


7.      Stay away from animals.

As much as possible avoid direct contact from suspicious animals or pets.

(for some reason the Ebola virus tends to sicken and kill animals much slower than humans)

8.      Report any suspicious person

If anybody in your area gets suspiciously sick and starts displaying some of the Ebola symptoms call the Ebola emergency hotline.


9.      Report yourself as fast as possible

As crazy as that sounds it is the only chance that an infected person have to survive the viral attack. Over 20 people including a 2year old boy in guinea that were infected with the dreadful disease are now cured and have been given certificates of wellness by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and are now free to go home to their families, this was because they submitted themselves for treatment immediately they noticed  the symptoms of ebola in them. Do not try to escape quarantine.


10.  Visit for breaking news, updates  and advice on Ebola

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