Friday 19 September 2014

The ISIS family tree: How terror network run by 'the caliph' has a rigid chain of command down to its foot soldiers

 This guys are bloody organized

 Structure: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi employs a network of deputies, councils and executives with the power to act on the ISIS leader's behalf. These senior militants are believed to give orders to a group of 24 regional governors, who in turn head 'councils' managing everything from the sale of oil, to the treatment of prisoners

 Commanding an area larger than Britain with a population of more than four million citizens, Islamic State terrorists use a strict hierarchical system to manage operations. Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (centre) has appointed a rigid chain of command beneath him - including his deputy in Iraq - Abu Muslim al-Turkmani (left), and his deputy managing operations in Syria - Abu Ali al-Anbari (right). There are also separate councils responsible for everything from the sale of oil, to decisions on which prisoners to execute and how.

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