Thursday 2 October 2014

T.B Joshua. said 'I had a vision of SCOAN tragedy'

A building belonging to the Synagogue Church of All Nations
(SCOAN) suddenly collapsed, leaving more than hundred
people dead and many injured.
There have been a lot of allegations and discussions
regarding the incident. The main controversy is connected
with the cause of fall. Some believe that it happened
because of the unapproved reconstruction of a building,
while the church insists it was a terror attack.
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The investigation is reportedly ongoing.
Days later, the embattled cleric and the church founder,
allegedly famous both in Nigeria and abroad for his
prophecies and healing powers, stepped out with another
statement about the incident.
Punch reports with reference to Joshua’s message that the
pastor knew something terrible would happen in the
ministry and explained to his congregation how to behave
to handle the tragedy.
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T.B. Joshua’s 50k Gift Revealed The Truth
In a statement posted September 28 on his official
Facebook page, the cleric turned to his haters who blasted
him for failing to predict the disaster:
“For the three weeks before the incident, if you heard my
message and sat down, you would know I was giving you a
vision and prophetic Word on how to handle the situation at
hand. Trials and tests are meant for our belief. I go by the
directives of God.”
He urged those who apparently turned against him to return
to the Godly path.
“Don’t allow yourself to be used by satan. If you do, satan
will use his people to run to you and disturb you the more.
This is an opportunity for them to disturb your faith with
their negative words.”
Joshua once again warned the critics and their families they
should stop speaking badly about the man of God.
“I pray the satanic agents should be the only ones to suffer
this. I said, our God will get back to them. Warn your family
and brothers about their talk. You will know I am a man of
God this time. People who are looking for your downfall and
run to disturb your spirit, warn them to be careful of their
tongues and the people who come to them. God is a God of
vengeance – anybody can go for it.”
According to the pastor, as they (critics) cannot help him
with the consequences of the tragedy, they should at least
avoid rubbishing the ministry, otherwise they might “suffer”.
“You cannot help me, only God. Don’t disturb me; please
leave me with God. You will see the outcome. I am saying
this so that only the people who did this will suffer for it
and you will not in any way suffer for it. The people who are
writing whatever they are saying – all of us will see the
outcome of this. Leave it for God…
READ ALSO: This Is What T.B. Joshua Will Do In Memory Of
Those Who Died
“People are using this to gain money and friends. This is a
warning. Whatever people want to write let them write; they
will be the ones to read it. I said our God would get back to
them. He has started somewhere. He is coming. If your
brother is involved, unless he can resurrect the people who
died, he will join them. If you can resurrect the people who
died, you can go free.”
It would be recalled that T.B. Joshua came under fierce
criticism following the September 12 incident. The
accusations came one after another: SCOAN stopped
rescuers from working on the site, the reconstruction of the
collapsed building was unapproved, Joshua bribed
journalists for them to cover the story in a different way, the
cleric’s miracles is a fraud, etc.
Many survivors are still recovering after the collapse and are
yet to get through the trauma the suffered.

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