Friday 3 October 2014

US Ebola victim had contact with children

Youngor Jallah, the daughter of Thomas Duncan's girlfriend, has revealed her horror at realizing that he might have Ebola
She called 911 on Sunday morning and then advised the paramedics to don gloves and face-masksNo-one at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital confirmed to her that Duncan had Ebola or advised her on what to do nextJallah returned to her mother's apartment - sprayed everything with disinfectant and sprinkled liquid Clorox on the furnitureShe also advised her mother against sleeping in the bed where the sick man had been stayingOn Wednesday she was visited by health officials who have told her that her family must now remain quarantined for 21 days 100 people being sought who had possible contact with Duncan - 12 have confirmed contact including five children   

The family who are isolated in the apartment have been told they face criminal charges if they leave the apartment or accept visitors. 
Dallas Judge Clay Jenkins told ABC today that a legal quarantine order was placed on the home after the family tried to break out of the apartment. 
However MailOnline reported on Wednesday that three individuals - a man in his twenties with a roll of garbage bags and two women - came and left the apartment. 
Louise said that she has been given no instructions by the Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) on how to dispose of the contaminated bedding in the home or what the family would do for food.
She said that two CDC workers who visited the home on Wednesday brought sandwiches but they had no other food.  
At a press conference on Thursday afternoon, Judge Jenkins was quick to respond to those claims, saying that several days supply of food was being delivered to the quarantined group and contaminated material would be removed by biohazard experts.
He added that the family were being treated with the 'utmost respect and dignity'.
The Red Cross were seen delivering food on Thursday to the family's second story apartment. 
A young man, who appeared to be one of the adult nephews under quarantine, appeared on the balcony to bring the food inside, dressed in a T-shirt bearing the logo 'YOLO - You Only Live Once'.  
Mr Duncan's partner Louise told CNN on Thursday that she is very worried but keeps praying and has spoken Mr Duncan via telephone.
Texas health officials said around 100 people may have come into contact with Mr Duncan and they are being questioned.
Authorities have confirmed 12 people including five children had direct contact with Mr Duncan and are being closely monitored.
Some parents have pulled their children out of four affected Dallas schools after learning that five students may have come into contact with Mr Duncan, the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in the U.S.
School administrators appealed for calm as none of the children have shown symptoms and are being told to stay at home, where they will likely remain for three weeks. 

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